У мамы было кровоизлияние в мозг, как итог стресса в течении года в Латвии - там отобрали тогда их паспорта-всех -латвийские "новые" "alien" - "a person without Latvien citezenship since a New Latvien Law from 1992" - "негражданин Латвии"= "лицо без гражданства Латвии согласно Новому Латвийскому Закону о Гражданстве Латвии с 1992 года"
По новому закону Латвии с 1992, они признавали гражданами Латвии только тех кто родился и имел латвийское гражданство Латвии на момент 1940 года, и их прямых потомков)
This New Latvien Law about The Latvien citezenship in 1992 was: the Latvien Citezens were being only whom had Latvien citezenship in 1940 and their childrens, grandchildrens, grandgrandchildrens.
Остальные люди, кто въехал и жил и работал в Латвии с 1940, включая и детей, родившихся в Латвии с 1940 года, получили новый статус- "лицо без гражданства" (Латвии), "негражданин Латвии", "негр" (в просторечии-как лицо без гражданских прав и свобод-без права голосовать и без права работать по многим специальностям-к примеру: ветеринар, лётчик,...).
(Слово "негр" возникло из бытовой речи, как неграждане Латвии сами называли себя, сократив своё официально данное им название-неграждане Латвии)
Other people, whom had started to live and to work in Latvia since 1940-1992, including all their childrens, whom had born in Latvia previously, since 1940-1992(and later from a persons without a Latvien citezenship) had losted their "Latvien citezenship as a people of Latvien republic" and they had been already as "aliens" (it was a special mark on their new Latvien passports, or "Negroes", as they had self-named themself as a shortly from "negroezhdane/negrazhdane of Latvia" as the official names of them).
"alien" as "negrazhdane of Latvia"(a people without Latvien citezenship since 1992) - or "negr" "negrs" shortly (the same words as "Negro" "Negroes" on English", only "White Negroes":
"alien" - "Latvien alien" - "negrozhdanin of Latvia" - ~"uncitezen" -"Negro" ("White Negro") - "a person without citezenship of Latvia, whithout a right to vote, including the local council votes, whithout a right to work -there was more then 90 professions, and all professional of them as "Negroes", had losted thier permit to work. For example: the vet (veterinar), a pilot.
Люди потеряли право работы тогда, которые они имели, новый список профессий включал запрет на работу для "негров" ("белых негров") ("неграждан Латвии"), там был список больше чем 90 профессий, включающий, к примеру, ветеренар, пилот. Эти профессии с 1992 года были только для латышей.
These professions (as the veterenar, the pilot, other more than 90 professions) were being only for Lettish citezens, for "Latvien citezens since 1992". mostly for "Lettish Etnic Group of population of Latvia).
Латвия была уникальной страной- в развитие экономики Латвии вкладывали большие деньги со стороны СССС-Союза 15 республик.
И туда приглашали людей самых лучших специалистов со всего Союза, отчего в Латвии был многоэтнический состав населений, латыши, русские, украинцы, евреи, поляки, белорусы, азербайджанцы, ...
Latvia had the diffrent Etnics - Lettish, Russians, Ukrains, Hebreys, Belorushians, Polish Etnic Group, Azerbaidzhainans, Germans, ... as it was a big support for development of Latvian Economica from The Union (from the Union af 15th Republics- USSR), so Latvia had the best specialist from Russian University for he developmnet their econimica, and builders.
"Русскоязычные Латвии", или короче- "русские Латвии", это порой означает "люди которые живут в Латвии, но не латыши-не латышской этнической группы" - "люди, которые предпочитаюn в быту говорить на русском языке между собой, потому что они получили образование в школах с русским языком обучения". Для латышей все они "русские".
All Russianspeakers of Latvia as they had educated in ths schools and universities with Russian language of their education - ("people whom prefer Russian langusage for the communication" "people whom not from the Lettish Etnic Group"), were being as "Russians" for Lettish.
В латышский газетах тогда с 1992 года, появились статьи:
"Русские-вон из Латвии! На депортацию!" ,
*под "русскими" тут понимались "говорящие на русском"-"те, кто не латыши".
Lettish Latvien Newspapers were being with words
"Russians GO HOME" "For deportation!"
* "Russians" are "Russiansspeakers of all Etnic Groups of Latvia", "all whom were being not Lettish Etnic"-"for all whom had started to live and to work and whom were borned in Latvia since 1940-1992-later).
Мы не имели права голосовать -это только латыши могли голосовать.
Мы не пошли на демонстарции-мы боялись драки до крови глубцов и провокаторов, и что тогда может начаться после это настоящая резня, латыши станут резать русскоговорящих, а те-латышей. В Латвии было ещё и очень много оружия в быту. Это могло закончится кровью.
Этнические противостояния, порой легко начинаются, но если посмотреть, историю Ирландии- там 300 лет уже идёт война между ирландцами -христианами с заветом "Не убий" -разных религиозных групп христианства- католики и протестанты. Мы просто понимали-случись что-потом будет резня на столетия. Мы этого не хотели.
We ("Negroes of Latvia") had lost our right to vote since 1992, so we had lost any opportunity to stop this by voting.
We had not went to demonstrations as it was the opportinity of a blood as some foolish or provocators might started to fight till blood, and it was an opportinity of The Blood Fighting in Latvia for centures after, as the etnic fighting till blood. We had not wished so way as a blood etnic fights for all kids, so this way had been closed for us. We are not Lettish Etnic Mothers, Father, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Girls, Lads, whom had not any fire for this about the lost of their childrens and granchilrend. So, we had kept a silence, giving a time for our neiborous to think.
The example of Irish Blood Fights between two Groups of Christians with the chritians "NOT TO KILL" as the christianity way of role, for 300 years without any opportunity to stop this, as two ways "whom had said about themself that they are Christians with ther role "Not to kill"? prefer the way of killing others for 300 - 3 hundred yeras already. So, "it is easy to start the blood fight, but really hard to stop after-it may be for centures as a bllod fights".
Ещё раз. Пример ирландской кровавой борьбы и убийств друг друга двумя ветвями христианства, католиками и протестантами острова Ирландия, котрая идёт- кровавая и убийства - уже 300 лет. 3 века, без шанса это когда то остановить, эту кровь и убийства. Показывает, как легко порой начать проливать кровь. Достаточно просто борьбы двух. и ктото погиб. А остановить потом кровь и убийства уже трудно. В Ирландии 300 лет люди, "называющие себя христианами", "с заветом "Не убий" "Не суди", убивают. ричем не тех, кто обидел их лично-просто случайных.
Начать легко-остановить сложно.
И мы просто это понимали. Демонстрация-толпа. Пьяные всегда есть. Бытовая ссора русский-латыш с кровью-и всё. и Латвия была бы в кровавом кошмаре резни. Латыши резали бы русских. русские-латышей.
И если Латышская Мать, Латышская Бабушка, Латышская Девушка, Латышский Отец, Латышский Дедушка, Латышский парень, -латыши- не боялись пролить кровь. То мы, говорящие на русском, люди других этнических групп, любили детей больше, и были умней. Понимая-если кровь пролилась бы -это потом дальше было бы не остановить. Мы это не хотели. И на демокнтарции не пои никто. Решили-надо дать время нашим соседям-латышам-подумать.
А творилось страшное.
Людей депортировали-вывозили за пределы Латвии и там оставляли без права въезда. Собственность свою, они видимо тогда теряли-въехать и продать.В том числе и разрушали семьи. Когда отца депортировали, а мама осталась.
Моим родным тоже не повезло.
Взяли паспорта- там 6 человек, бабушка-дедушка, мама-папа, двое детей, один новорождённый 1992 года в Латвии. Паспорта лиц без гражданства Латвии с латвийской визой постоянного жителя Латвии- и им рукой работница местого ЖЭРа (мерии) (латышка и партийка) перечеркнула латвийские визы-испортив паспорта. Как недействительные.
Они судились восстанавливая.
Год суда. Отсдулили шатмпики в паспорт обратно поставили.
Мама от стресса-она же бабушка? - за внуков и детей и мужа, упала- кровоизлияние в мозг. операция на глаз.
Сейчас вот стало хуже. Отслоение сетчатки глаза. Видит только одним глазом.
Это не 1940 год. Это с 1992 и современные люди-латышки и латыши вот такое делали.
Чисто по возрасту. Отец 1937 года рождения. Мама 1938 года рождения,
они не мгли чисто во возрасту депортировать латышей из Латвии в 1940 году. Включая и ребёнка, рождённого в 1992.
Все кто мог, из Латвии уезжали. И им в Канаде канадские суд-знаю-давали канадское гражданство, по признаку нарушения гражданских свобод и права на жизнь. Отчего, Канада и другие страны, де-факто, признали нарушение гражданстких прав и право на жизнь в Латвии.
Again. The Example of the Blooding Fighting between two ways of two Cristian Groups (catolics, protestans) of Irland for 300 years - 3 hundreds years, with a blood and kiling of people, some had not did any wrong personality for killers, and some really a strangers people, it is the example how easy to start to kill and to fight till blood, but how hard to stop the killing of people.
"and people, whom had said that they are "Christians"- "The Irish Christians" - prefer "to kill" other people, including kids, and this is for 300 years already - thet are prefer to be a killers for innocent people and kids, whom their neiborous on the small irland, and whom had not did any personal offence.
I mean that they prefer to kill.
And The Irish Cristian Chirch had not refused to take them as members as they are killers. The Irish Killers ahd said about themself that they are Christians - but the Christain Law "Not to kill". So, they are definatly not "Christians" at all. They had said about themself that they are "a fighter about the Freedom", but it is a small irland, not so many Irish. What cost the freedom without a right to eat? and they had killed their neiborous.
You may be a stranger whom had vizit the irland to look at.
But you have a chance to be killed as some one "Irish Christians" might decided to bomb this cafee.
People had said me, that here a biggest American Financial Support from Americans whom had been Irish.
So, some Irish lad in the past was a killer of their neiborous and he had run away from Irland to America, as had a fear to be arrested to Irish Court and the Law as a killer. But their had put later their money back, that all others had been killers too.
We all, as "White Negroes" or "Negroes" in Latvia since a Latvian Citezenship Law had not on the streets, protesting, as it was a big opportunity to be "Big Etnic Blooding Fighting in Latvia for centures", we had not wished this. And as we might had the support from Russia with Russian Army coming in Latvia, and we had not wished this for our neiborous too.
So, We (Negroes of Latvia) had kept a silence, thinking to give a time for Lettish Group of Latvia to think.
Plenty people had leaved Latvia. Canadian Court had give Canadian Citizenship for "Latvian aliens" "Latvien Negroes" as the Canadian Court had decition that here was not a right for the normal life here in Latvia since 1992, and as there were being plenty people without a right to vote, including local council voting, and a right to work.
My relatives-- 6 persons-
all generations by their ages:
grandparens(a granmother, a grandfather), parents (as a mother and a father), and chidrend - their two kids, including a newborned baby on 1992, had the opportunity to understand this "New Latvian Role Of Latvian New Democracy".
The Latvian Local Official ( as a Officil in the loscal council rent office. a woman by white race, Lettish Etnic Group, Latvian party member) had took 6 Latvien passports "alien" of Latvia - "a person without Latvian Citizenship since 1992 with Latvia visa for permanant staying in Latvia) and she had destroyed their "new Latvian passport as "alien" herslef, as unmarked and destroyed by her hand their stamps of Latvien viza in all 6 passports.
It was a year of juridical job to go through the Latvian courts till Highest Latvian Courts for all them, to put their Latvian passport ("a person without Latvian citezenship with Latvian viza for permanent staying in Latvia" - Latvian "alien" passports back as juridical valid.
My mother had feld down, the blood vessel in her head had broken - a (cerebral) haemorrhage, and she had the operation on her eyes as the rezult for a one year of the strongest stress. My mother, as a grandmother, and a mother, and a wife, had worried for all her big family - the grandchildren, one a newborned baby, a son, a husband and herself as it was a Latvian Law - they had departed people away from Latvia, so it was the opportunity to lost their property - thier flats, goods, ... and to have a stress to lost all.
Nobody was the Enimy of Latvia or Latvia as undependent state.
Nobody had did something bad for Lettish Etnic Group or any Lettish person.
Nobodu had any chance to depart any Lettish in 1940 from Latvia to Rusia, Sibir, as they had a child, my father's birth was in 1937 and my mother's birth was on 1938, they were being small kids in 1940, so nobody might to depart any Lettish person to Sibir, Russia.
Instead, they both was living in Sibir, Russia, and all Russian had a rules to help for any person by food, accomodation, clother for any unknown person to help to survive here. As Sibirian winter are for -37 C - -50C. So, noone person, whom had departed from Latvia to Sibir, Russia, accoding Stalin's Laws on Autum 1940, had any oportinity to survive here without the warm accomodation, help with food and clother. So, there were being Russian Sibirians people and Russian State Official, helping for departiies from Latvia to survive.
My granmother had said to me, -as she was a Sibirian, here is so short hot summer, to save and dry food for eating through the autumn-winter-spring time. As there snow is covering all by thickest lay.
and nothing grow as a food.
My grandmother had said me as they had a hungry time on the spring time, as all savings as a food had finished. It was a hot cup of a hot water only with 1 spoon of flour or a dry bread bits. They had eated all.
Latvien deperties had coming in this area in late Autum time, when all local people had did their saving of food for winter-spring time already. So, they had the additional people from Latvia as Latvian departies coming. all local people had saved food for onw famile for themself only.
So, Latvien departies had not one chance to survive in Sibir.
as here Sibirian winters with snow and lowest temperature till minus 50. and not one food as growing through the snow.
But they had survived.
It mean that Russian Local Officials and Russian Sibirians had helped to all Latvian Deperties to survive.
I know histories, as Lettish from this Latvien Sibirian Deperties Group had tried to come back to Latvia since 1992 as they were being Lettish, whom had departed from Latvia, or their kids-granchildren, but new Latvien state, so many was saying as how it was hard for all lettish to have this in their memory about the lost of people,in any officil and unofficial meetings, they had not helped them as in the reality they had not any wish for them to come back to live in Latvia- as "their Russians too already". "Russian Sibirian Latvian Departies as Russians for Latvian Lettish Group".
I had said for yu why- becouse they had survived and becouse they all had agood memory about people whom had help for all to survive here as Russian Sibirians people and so they had said this openly and they had voted for to give Russian thier right to live here as Latvian citizens again.
I had not looked any stories about the real people, and with a question to them- how it was possible to survive in Sibir without accomodation, food, clother as Latvien departies?
Really, locals had not survived sometimes.
But there latvian viladges and lettish languege in some villadges.
My parents are on 1937. on 1938.bith years.
They were being not able to depart any Lettish Etnic Group from Latvia in autum of 1940.
So, it was already not 1940 and "bad russians in Latvia"/ as it was already modern Latvian people - Lettish Etnic Groups, Lettish, Lettish Woma, Mothers, Granmothers, Fathers, Grandfathers, Lettish Gils and Lettish Boys, whom had a right to vote only since 1992 and whom had vote -it is "Latvian Dempcraticy" that their neiborous would a persons without a right to vote and to work - against women, men, kids, all people from all Etnic Group as their Enimies.
Lettish Woman ahd said me that my father the Latvien Enimy and so the same and me and my children-so-for the deportaion.
I had met two the some way thinking Lettish Etnic women, saying me the some.
As I know my parents more better.
as I had knew that they defenetly had not any chance to depart any Lettish in 1940. as their birth were on 1937, 1938.
as I knew as my father was a builder of houses in Imanta area of Latvia for support Latvian Economica, and it was in the reality his first flat for yeras as the more permonent and it was a Law that any person might had anew flat free after 2-3 yeras in work in building association, so any Letish man and boy had a chance to have own new modern flat and free as their own, if they had builders's job for 203 years. And if Lettish men had perfer to live on the ... not nice accomodation, it was probably the way of their choising of their prioritets only. and lettish men, whom had prefered to have a new nice flat-they had a job in the building society and they had a modern flats free after 2-3 years of service job.
It was not Russians only in the houses, which had builded my father in Riga- but it was all Etnic Groups, including Lettish.
My mother was well-educated woman as a financial-economical education, so she had a job as an economist, as it was not so good specialists as she was.
She had helped to Local Latvian Factory, accounting how much to buy to have an income. The production of this Latvian factory was realy famest in mny countries, people had bought all. Som in was the income as a part of her job as a financial economical consultaions.
Jobs-salaries- taxes in Latvian Budget - pesion for Latvian, including Lettish people, pensions.
So, Lettish people had prefer to have money from all in Latvian budgets for years and for years. Letish people had pensions from money from taxes from all people, whom had lived and worked in Latvia.
There were pension, so nobody was hungru or on teh stress as homeless, free education in schools, institutes, university, and still money for whom was a student as a free state help from the Union (USSR). Free Medical support (more better that in Egland from NHS as it was more quickly help for each and free).
It was a law, women had support to be pregnant-to have a child, as a money of their salary since 6 month of their pergnancy till 3 yreas after giving a birth of baby. So, women may be with thier kids till they will be 3 yeras old, not working.
So, Lettish women had an opportunity to have akids, as The Union(USSR) had support the.
There were beinf free milk as a cup of free milk on the all Latvian school for all kids of all Etnic Group, including Lettish kids.
I mean, money all all whom had a job in Latvia, and money, coming from The Union (USSR) had support the sociality.
So, the way as Russian speakers had become Enimies as Lettish had said for them, it was the way to come to live and to work hard in Latvian economica for years.
and one day they had wanted all property (flats, good, )from others.
with other had leaved Latvia.
So, plenty people with money and without money had leaved Latvia.
We had not want to fight as it was the opportunity of the Blooding Etnic Fight in Latvia.
Lettish-Latvian Lettish mothers, grandmothers, granfathers, ..., had not any fear about the opportunity to lost thier belovers and kids through the Blooding Etnic Fight in Latvia.
But we -others-we had loved ous kids more.
So, many had leaved Latvia as the best.
Plenty people, having money, too.
My mother had broken blood vessel as the rezult of Lettish Modern Laws and from Lettish.
She had worked hard as I remember that these people-Lettish people-had thie salaries, pension, taxes in Latvian budget, ...
Latvia had pay thankfull to her and her family back:
she had feld down without senses, with broken blood vessels, a haemorrhaye, the operation on her eye, lates as a delay rezult of this- Ritinal Detachment and the operation of a vitroctomy.
and she had lost her sign.
Деньги, что моя мама, как работник финансист и экономист, помогала зарабатывать известному латвийскому заводу, чья продукция была известна и продавалась с прибылью в других странах, это давало Латвии и людям, прибыль, зарплаты, работу, деньги шли в бюджет Латвии на пенсии латышским старикам, в латышские школы, на образвание и стипении студентам чтобы учились.
Латвия ей и её семье отплатила с благодарностью: как результат этой "латышской благодарности" : кровоизлияние в мозг, операция на глаз, как результат сильнейшего стресса и беспокойства за судьбу близких, муж. сына, невестки, детей их и внуков. Там тогда людей депортировали из Латвии- а латышка чиновника-местная- испортила им их паспорта-6 человекам- люди всех возрастов по сути.
Перечеркнула латвийские визы постоянного жителя Латвии, во всех 6 латвийский паспортах неграждан -сама и единолично. А это новые паспорта -лица без гражданства с постоянной визой на проживание в Латвии. Там людей депортировали. Просто приходили-депортировали.
А потом как результат-отслоение сетчатки глаза.
Сложная операция под общим наркозом, 5-6 часов.
Зрение не восстановилось пока.
Год суда- нервов и стресса- Верховный Суд Латвии восстановил им эти паспорта обратно, "негров" "негражданк Латвии". Родители когда такая возможность появилась. Пошли и оформили себе Российское гражданство. Поставив штампы латвийских виз-постоянное место жительство-уже туда.
Latvia had pay thankfull to her and her family back:
she had feld down without senses, with broken blood vessels, a haemorrhaye, the operation on her eye, lates as a delay rezult of this- Ritinal Detachment and the operation of a vitroctomy.
and she had lost her sign.
After 1 yera of long courts, The Highest Latvian Corts had retirned "latvian passports of persons without Latvian citezenship with the visa of the permanent living in Latvia" - The "Negroes" Passports back to all my 6 relatives in Latvia.
So, they had look on their "Negro" - "Negroes" of Latvia passports,
and my parents both had took the Russian Citezenship than it was a prossible to take.
So, they had become Russian, Rossian Citezens with Latvian viza of the Permanant living in Latvia.
I had not a time as I was working and leaving Latvia with my two kids lates, I was married on one British male.
- I and my daughters ahd leaved Latvia, giving the opportunity for Lettish to be happy. (Russian Etnic Group, my dauthers -both- ere being small Latvian Citezens - white- Russian Etnic Group of Latvia)
- my ex-husband, Latvian Citezen - white- Russian Etnic Group- had leaved Latvia too - to work abroad
- my school friends - "Russian Etnic Group" as "Latvian alien - latvian Negroes - had decided to leave Latvia "for white Lettish Citezens"
-my collegas on my job- Latvian Citezens - Hebrey Etnic Group of latvia - had went to Izrael as prefer this country instead of Latvia
-there were being plenty Hebreys, some with money, had prefer not to be "Latvian Negroes" but to leave Latvia.
- Do you know what it mean "New Latvian Democracy"?
- They had said: you welcome to come to buy Latvain property here in our Latvia - we will give a "Negro" of Latvia , "Alien" Latvan Passports to you...
- And?
- And all people laugh and nobody come.
- Ты знаешь, что такое означает "Новая Латвийская Демократия"?
- Они говорят: вы можете приехать и покупать латвийскую недвижимость у нас. И мы дадим вам за это латвийский паспорт "Негра" - "Alien" ("Чужой. Чужак" "Злобный")
- Ну и?
- А все люди просто смеются и никто не приезжает.
Инна Тигги,
Inna Scotford, "Do you know what it mean "New Latvian Democracy?" / "Do you know about NLD?", / "About NLD", 2009
воскресенье, 6 сентября 2009 г.
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